Wonderful creatures’ and a first dive shaped outgoing British diplomat’s work in Seychelles


Wonderful creatures’ and a first dive shaped outgoing British diplomat’s work in Seychelles

Maritime security, the Blue Economy and democracy development have been the highlights of the work of the outgoing British High Commissioner throughout her four-year tenure in Seychelles.
Caron Rӧhsler, the outgoing High Commissioner, paid a farewell call to President Danny Faure on Tuesday at State House.
“It was a very warm meeting. The president and I reviewed the last four years of my time here working on a range of issues of interest for the UK and Seychelles,” Rӧhsler told reporters.
She said that it was “quite remarkable to look back on the number of things we have been doing and I would say it has been in three key areas.”
Rӧhsler and Faure touched on democratic development including transparency, accountability, good governance and setting up institutions for which Seychelles gained the support of the Commonwealth.
“All countries have the responsibility to maintain and build democracy. Little development will take place if we don’t emphasise the importance of democracy,” she said.  
Another area of cooperation discussed was regional maritime security.  
“There is more work to be done in maritime security. We have a further announcement that I am sure my successor would be able to make in the near future about UK strengthening support in maritime security,” said Rӧhsler. 

The meeting also touched on several subjects including the Blue Economy and democratic development. (Jude Morel) Photo License: CC-BY
The Blue Economy of which Seychelles, a group of 115 islands in the Western Indian, is seen as champion, was also touched on.
“There are foundations to build on the Blue Economy.  It is a subject that needs to be understood in Seychelles by the people so that they can really participate and benefit,” said Rӧhsler.
She added that “I have been able to work with the grain of initiatives and ideas that were being championed in Seychelles and that is always a good thing for a diplomat to be able to do.” 
Rӧhsler said that working in Seychelles “has been a wonderful experience to live in Seychelles. It is a very beautiful set of islands. I have learned to dive here. I have seen so many wonderful creatures and plant life living under the ocean. I suppose that was a revelation to me.”
The outgoing British High Commissioner will be taking up another post in the Maldives, another country located in the Indian Ocean.
“I really hope that I would be able to build the experience and understanding of small island states or large oceanic state. I will also keep on working with Seychelles and Maldives on the issue of climate change and preparation for the next climate change negotiations so that we can preserve our islands and the ocean,” Rӧhsler said.
Source: Seychelles News Agency