
Nature Seychelles, in effort to save coral, has grown 50,000 fragments in underwater nurseries

Seychelles has become a leader in the worldwide effort to restore corals grown in underwater nurseries that could help the fragile species adapt to rising water temperatures and climate change.

The pioneer in this regard has been Nature Seychelles with their Reef Rescuers project that started eight years ago.

“We have grown over 50,000 coral fragments in our underwater nurseries and planted an area of about 6,000 square metres in the protected area of the Cousin Island Special Reserve, probably the world’s largest ongoing reef restoration project using the method called coral gardening,” said Nirmal Shah, the chief executive of Nature Seychelles.

Several other local organisations and tourism establishments have been inspired to make extra efforts to restore corals in underwater nurseries.

Underwater or in-water coral nurseries are done in the open water, allowing the corals to grow in natural conditions without lots of infrastructures, thus allowing large numbers of corals to grow at relatively low costs.

Source: Seychelles News Agency