
Seychelles hosting 80 scientists as part of Indian Ocean Tuna Commission meeting

Seychelles has welcomed over 80 scientists from more than 30 countries taking part in a meeting of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) at Eden Bleu on the outskirts of the capital Victoria from December 3-7.

Scientists from member countries of the IOTC met throughout the year in a series of meetings which culminated in the Scientific Committee meeting taking place in Seychelles, an archipelago in the western Indian Ocean.

According to the IOTC’s Science Manager, Paul de Bruyn, this year’s meeting “is of extreme importance as scientists will pay particular attention to several burning topics, such as the population status of the flagship yellowfin tuna species bycatch species, such as sharks and sea turtles, as well as the impacts of fisheries on the ecosystem.”

The yellowfin tuna has received considerable attention recently after the IOTC reduced the species catch by 15 percent in 2017….
Source: Seychelles News Agency